Fox News Sends Ultimatum To Jason Aldean To Make Him Remove Controversial Scenes In Video

The cat is out of the bag and Rupert Murdoch has some explaining to do because TMZ is claiming to have solved the mystery behind the stealth edit of Jason Aldean’s video for the hit song, “Try That in a Small Town” The video and song caused the usual suspects to lose their minds so CMT caved and yanked it from the air. But when a new version of the video surfaced without some of the controversial scenes, people hoped Aldean didn’t cave.

And he didn’t. Fox News gave him an ultimatum to remove the scenes because the footage he used was theirs. So they kicked Aldean when he was down and made him edit the video.

According to TMZ:

Sources connected to the music video production tell TMZ … back when they were producing the video, the company that produced it reached out to FOX on May 8 and asked for permission to use the 6 seconds of video shot by FOX 5 Atlanta … showing violence at a BLM rally.

We’re told the folks at FOX asked for more information … specifically the lyrics of the song. We’re told the production company sent FOX a link to the song — which was released May 19 — but the protocol was to send the lyrics in writing, which they never did.

Our sources say a week ago, FOX reached out to the production company and asked them to remove the video to avoid any legal action — which was described to us as a “polite ultimatum” — and the production company complied.

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Joe Rogan put the controversy into perspective when talking with author Gad Saad on his podcast.

To say Rogan humiliated Aldean’s critics is an understatement.

Rogan said: “The level of outrage, now I’m not saying that that’s the greatest song in the world’s ever known, you know, but the level of outrage coming from people that are upset about that song is so strange when there are hundreds of rap songs out there that are infinitely worse and also enjoyable.”

“Misogynistic — violence. The whole thing,” Saad said.

“No complaints at all,” Rogan said.

Rogan continued:  “And we’re not even talking about old stuff. There’s new stuff too.

“There’s hip hop, there’s wild rock songs.


“There’s a lot of wild shit.


“And to be focusing on that one, and it’s the racial aspect of it.

“It was crazy because like the real ANTIFA problems that were happening during the BLM, I think it was a lot of white people doing that, right?

“Wasn’t it?

“It was a lot of like, lost liberal whites who were very angry, who decided to take up this movement and smash things.

“So like, the racial aspect of it, there’s nothing racial about the lyrics.”

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