Social Worker ‘Blacklisted’ Over Her ‘Critical’ Transgender Views

Louise Chivers, a social worker with 25 years experience, has been told she cannot apply for more work after she questioned whether transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney was the right person to be modelling sports bras for Nike. The 52 year old Mother of two was told she cannot apply for social services jobs pending an investigation after a manager at Leicestershire County Council suggested there was a risk she “might misgender someone”.

MSM reports: It came after she described Mulvaney, who identifies as female, as “a skinny gay man with no t-ts” and accused the TikTok influencer of being a “misogynist who mocks women” during a recent training day.

She has now been referred to Social Work England, the body that regulates social workers, and the company that recruited her has launched an investigation.

Ms Chivers, a lesbian from Northamptonshire who works in adult social care, said: “On this particular occasion, we had been discussing gender-neutral toilets and I said I wasn’t comfortable using them because statistics show women are eight times more likely to be raped in one.

“The conversation then moved into the climate protests and whether it was hypocritical for protesters to be wearing clothes made of plastic and other environmentally unfriendly materials.

“I said I would struggle to buy Nike clothes any more because I didn’t agree with Dylan Mulvaney advertising sports bras because I thought it made a mockery of women.

“Afterwards, I was contacted by my managers who demanded to know what I had said. I was then told by the recruitment agencies that I use to apply for jobs that they would not find me work until conclusion of the investigation.

“I feel like I’ve been blacklisted. The inference that because I am gender-critical, I must be transphobic.

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“I’ve been on the gay scene since I was 18. I’ve been socially active with transgender people for decades. If people have got gender dysmorphia, I’m hugely sympathetic but I don’t believe in gender identity – I believe there are two sexes and that’s it.

“I’ve got two children and a mortgage to pay and now I’m worried I won’t be able to find another job simply because the powers that be appear to have been brainwashed on this issue.”

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