all right well a new report from the Senate U.S
House of no not the Senate from the U.S House
of Representatives select subcommittee on the
coronavirus pandemic shows that Dr Anthony fauci
and his colleagues heavily influenced a paper
on the origins of kovid in order to steer the
national conversation away from a possible lab
leak now in terms of censorship this was a very
successful project we were not supposed to say
that covid leak from a lab it was called racist
and conspiracy theory uh and when we were told to
follow the science it’s interesting because now
we have proof that the doctors were in fact making
up the science especially as it came to the origin
of the covid pandemic this is the third time we’ve
seen information about this very paper and fauci’s
foot fingerprints all over it I was going to
say Footprints fingerprints is probably more
accurate but who knows and it keeps just getting
more and more incriminating for fauci and friends
in March the committee released a first report
and what they showed us and we reported here
was that Dr fauci and his colleagues commissioned
and influenced to the results of this study that
showed that kovid could not have come from a lab
here was their conclusion our analysis clearly
show that covet is not a laboratory construct or
a purposely manipulated virus okay this paper was
off quoted as basically the final word on covid
was not a lab leak we also saw that Who doctors
and also both Dr fauci and Dr Francis Collins had
been given the chance to see drafts of the paper
we knew that we also knew that they influenced
this paper and that another doctor one of their
buddies Jeremy Ferrar who is now Chief scientist
at the World Health Organization Not only was
integral in the development of this paper but
proposed these edits to the paper’s conclusions
in an email he said hey you know love your paper
so great can I please micromanage and give you an
edit instead of saying it’s unlikely that sarves
came from a lab can you please say it’s improbable
so he’s not one of the study’s authors he’s just
reading it and basically changing their conclusion
or writing their conclusion that is really
unethical in the world of academic papers but he
felt comfortable to do that in May another report
was leaked showing just how the Pentagon thought
that this paper also this nature Journal that
we’re talking about which was used as the final
word Pentagon doctors had said this is not good
science here was a leaked paper from two doctors
at the Pentagon Commander Jean-Paul Christian
a Navy doctor and Dr Robert cutlip a research
scientist at the defense intelligence agency and
both concluded that the no lab leak paper was far
from conclusive and that the government should not
make decisions based on this paper because it just
wasn’t very good well now we know just how far and
wide that paper was circulated in order to control
the no lab leak conversation here’s from the
report today it says since this proximal origin
was published it’s been accessed 5.84 million
times that makes it the third most attention
of any paper of similar age across all journals
and the second most attention of any paper in a
similar age in nature medicine and it’s received
the fifth most attention of any paper ever tracked
ever this is the single one of the single most
impactful and influential scientific papers in
history and it expressed conclusions that were not
based on sound science but instead assumptions so
why why was this paper such a banger it was I
guess it was a box office hit you would call it
and it was based on junk science and politics
as we’re going to show you who sent it around
so much who elevated this content we know the
media did because they were able to use it to
shut down conversations social media as well
why did this become such a banger paper no the
report says something that I hadn’t heard before
namely that Dr fauci had warned Dr Andreessen one
of the paper studies that if you you’re going to
write this paper now if you conclude that covid
came from a lab we’re going to have to contact
law enforcement he expands on this later but
this is interesting why is he saying this now
if he thinks that even there is some kind of
possibility that law enforcement needs
to be involved do you think he should
wait for an academic paper which he’s
influencing that doesn’t seem very ethical
um now here is the email where he says that if
this is you know lab leak Theory goes for through
then we’re going to have to call the authorities
and he says in the USA would be the FBI and in the
UK it’d be MI5 so he’s saying look this is going
to really be bad for us we’re gonna have to call
the police if this is what you find so run along
do the paper and let’s hope you don’t get there
is what I’m saying because if law enforcement
needs to know about this you don’t wait until
like but do your homework first that doesn’t
seem right to me does it seem right to you
um yes like the house is on fire but I’m not
going to call the fire department until it
hits the roof you know like once it gets
close to the roof then we’ll call the fire
department right yeah I I’m I’m curious thinks
that the justice department will do about this
um but I guess you know there are people there
he wants to protect from having to be involved
with the justice department uh the same author
Dr Andreessen she found research initially in
her conversation with her co-authors of this study
showing that gain of function had been happening
in China and I’m choosing not to show this to you
on the screen but the other author then responded
to her f word this is bad so they have already you
can tell an agenda that they don’t want that one
conclusion is bad one conclusion is good and
let’s steer ourselves to the one that we want
um they went on to author this paper asserting
the very opposite in a few months even though
they have we we know they have some data showing
that there was gain of function done in China uh
Dr Andreessen even wrote at one point that the
point of the paper was to disprove the leak so
again she’s not following the science but making
it up she wrote in February 8 2020 our main work
over the past couple of weeks has been focused on
trying to disprove any type of lab leak Theory so
she’s not looking into the lably theory she’s
specifically going in to debunk it she says but
we’re at a Crossroads with the scientific evidence
it’s not very conclusive so she’s not happy
with being able to doctor up this report this
communication is also new the two papers authors
saying yeah but you know we’re gonna have to do
this because can you imagine the politics at one
she says I’m going to say the s word just so you
know given the [ __ ] show that would happen if
anyone seriously accused the Chinese of accidental
release my feeling is we should say given there is
no evidence of a specifically engineered virus
we cannot possibly distinguish between Natural
Evolution and Escape so we’re we are content with
ascribing it to natural processes and she falls
it’s not her that said that it was Andrew REM but
another uh of the papers author and she says yeah
totally agree you know I hate when politics is
injected into science but it’s impossible not to
uh no that’s wrong it’s not impossible not to
inject politics into science those two things
can be mutually exclusive and so that’s a Smoking
Gun of an email wouldn’t you say uh you wouldn’t
like that from a peer reviewed study that
you’re then using to make basis of I don’t
know censorship policy all of that stuff um it
just goes on and on with these kind of you know
conclusions about how Dr fauci knew his name was
used to pitch the study to the journal how him
and his friends were influencing the conclusions
and how they were going towards one conclusion
and ignoring all other research that would prove
that would indicate a lab leak than actual lab
not only that like you got the lab leak but
also they were like putting magazine articles
out to discredit other scientists that were saying
ways to deal with the pandemic like just just any
narrative that went against the what they wanted
regardless of what area it came from the lab leak
the protocol for getting through it it had to be
one way and that was the only way and everything
else that was outside of that one way they tried
everything they could to discredit it yeah this
is that’s that’s absurd it’s absolutely absurd and
so then when you consider the reach of this paper
and how it was used to influence policy and how
we were told that oh no we are the science we’re
doing really good science you need to follow the
science it does not Garner any kind of confidence
in anything else that fauci and his team of
Bethesda boys as they referred to them were doing
um you know one of the reasons that maybe is
posited that they wanted to draw attention away
from this lab leak theory was because the U.S
was participating in gain of function research
in China which was supposed to have stopped during
the Obama Administration but was still Greenland
under Dr fauci so um that’s maybe why they were
doing it but you can come up with other reasons
about why they were doing it what we know now is
that they did it and so it brings up questions
about what else were they lying to us about what
other science were they making up what other
scientific studies were they ignoring so that
they could get to one conclusion over another
uh you know again it doesn’t Inspire confidence
at all um you know it’s not a scientific paper if
you write a it’s it’s fiction if you just choose
what you want to include in order to get to the
science the conclusion that you want uh so um you
know that should have been there should have given
that there were Pentagon doctors who already
were poking holes at this this should should
have happened at the peer review stage and why
it didn’t I don’t know um and I think it’s just
worth reminding that this paper was the basis for
censoring social media and calling people crazy
for even hypothesizing the lab leaks such as this
Senator Tom Cotton they said he was Fringe for
repeating this coveted Origins story uh we also
had um Tucker Carlson he was they said he was
debunked about this lably theory he wasn’t uh New
York Times coveted reporter deletes a tweet they
said it was racist the lab leak Theory so I mean
it created a lot of frenzy on a really terrible
scientific paper when we were told no where where
the science follow the science trust us with the
science uh you know that trust was misused and I
feel like this is further proof of that so let us
know what you think in the comments section below
and yeah go ahead David I I want to know I want
to know this is Philip uh I I want to know what
crime like that’s the thing that what’s weird to
me is when they’re they’re basically threatening
them to call law enforcement like but there I I
really want to know like for what like what the
proposed crime is like is is this like referencing
like compromat like do they have blackmail like
stuff on them or is there like what law would
they be breaking in doing scientific research no
I don’t think that he’s saying we’ll call them
on you I think he means we’ll call them about the
fact that there may have been like foreign actors
involved in the release of a virus I I don’t know
exactly more like we we would have to call the FBI
or somebody more than the you know law enforcement
unless they consider that law enforcement but but
yeah I think it was more uh that okay if that if
this is true we’re gonna have to get a lot more
people involved and it’s going to make it a lot
stickier and this is going to be a big ordeal and
you know just kind of like yeah and it seem
yeah but like I guess it’s the word that
they use it’s law enforcement not not like
the state department it’s not like like he
specifically says law enforcement like what would
law enforcement have to do with it I could see if
we’d have to contact the State Department if it
was a foreign actor that they they figured that
it could cause an international incident
you wouldn’t get law enforcement involved
in that that would be the state department the
state department or the president yeah exactly
so it’s like to me it’s like I guess
maybe I’m just reading it wrong but
like to me it sounds like it was a threat
like they’re basically because you call
law enforcement to to arrest people you don’t
call law enforcement to protect the country
against International embarrassment right
and who is he writing to here he’s writing to
to uh Dr Anderson no in this email he’s saying
Jeremy so he’s talking to Jeremy Ferrar oh gotcha
who and he says I just got off the phone with
Dr Anderson and but he had also told her that
Dr Anderson if we find out that this is a lab
leak we’re going to have to call the authorities
um and then he says to Jeremy Ferrar uh we’ll
have to report it to appropriate authorities
again this is you know if you think that there’s
any concern about this that you need to bring it
to authorities anyway not until like after we
see the paper um because you’re influencing the
paper you obviously have no confidence that the
paper is going anywhere right so he knows that
he’s going to lead the conclusion of the paper so
the paper is not going to prove bump kiss um and
so yeah that would mean that he’s saying this
is going to get sticky we’re going to have to
bring in law enforcement so let’s just continue
to go down this path I guess that’s that’s maybe
the way I read it not that like any one of
them would be in trouble with law enforcement
but I don’t know yeah and that’s kind of what
I feel too yeah I guess but I I I remember us
Covenant covering a story as well where there
were several doctors that initially had said
that all roads were leading to the lab leak
Theory but then those doctors changed their
opinion and then their their grants got uh funded
their their um which huge grants we covered that
on the show yeah we had a senate testimony about
that you’re right what were you gonna say Philip
well I’m just still hung up on the on the words
used of law enforcement like and and how that
just I just can’t I can’t let that go because
it just that that to me is just absolutely a
threat because it’s not the it’s just the way
it’s worded like law enforcement yeah like I
can’t imagine I can’t imagine what law enforcement
would do if not to arrest somebody that’s because
that’s what they do and you would think then
because she’s not Dr Andreessen is not going
to be arrested she’s just taken an assignment um
you would think unless she was sort of connected
with this gain a function thing that it wasn’t a
threat to her it was just in a threat to somebody
but you would think someone in the room
would be like well if it’s that serious
we need to run it up the chain of commands
right now we need to tell I don’t know yeah
um and him saying like MI5 in the UK would also
need to be notified what why now I wonder if
that’s why the UK If it’s basically a way of
saying I’m gonna get law enforcement involved
and anybody that’s in the know that’s in that
thread is like oh that’s going to lead back
to me oh that’s going to lead back to me and
then that’ll lead back to you because you we
have this that you sent this email that they’re
not talking about it’s just like a a veiled hey
remember that you are connected to this just
like Alex is just like I am and if we get law
enforcement they’re going to be going through
our stuff and you know maybe I I that’s how I
see it like like it’s just going to be a lot of
red tape for us I don’t see it as like somebody’s
going to get rested right then but or is it
all of us because we’ve been ignoring the Obama
administration’s directive on gain of function so
then we’re all in trouble so like it’s the code of
yes the what is it of The Godfather right I don’t
know anyway yes okay uh maybe I shouldn’t have
tried that one okay that’s all good but you know
what I mean no my brain’s like wait wait a minute
all right somebody’s gonna know
somebody’s gonna know in our chat okay
um yeah so this this is again it’s a big
Smoking Gun media doesn’t give two craps
about it at all they’re fine with what was done
to all of us during the coveted pandemic but
um I care very much because this is indication
of very disingenuous science and so what else
what else was behind the decisions of fauci and
friends the Bethesda boys so let us know what
you think and let us know what you think that
FBI bit is like hmm what’s that about you know
yeah okay why would it why would the head of the
NIH need to get law enforcement involved if the
paper goes the way they don’t want to go it’s
a very strange very strange thank you so much
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