US Surgeon General Directed Facebook To Censor True Information About Covid Jab Side Effects

What many of us knew to be true at the time is finally being revealed. Following the recent Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, internal documents produced by Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, reveal that the White House (via the office of the Surgeon General) directed tech platforms to cover up and label as misinformation all stories about covid vaccine injury and side effects….including those that were true.

Anything the White House considered would promote “vaccine hesitancy” was a target.

Activist Post reports: In Jim Jordan’s latest of two posts dubbed the FacebookFiles, he reveals the depths to which our government not only suppressed the First Amendment rights of US citizens, but actively targeted them for the truthful exercise of their speech on matters of life and death significance, and without which informed choice and the medical ethical principle of informed consent would not be possible.

Commenting on an internal email produced by Zuckerberg upon threat of contempt, Jim Jordan said: “The Biden administration also wanted Facebook to remove TRUE information as well” and shared a screenshot of a Facebook (Meta) employee stating that “The Surgeon General wants us to remove true information about side effects.”


This is a profoundly disturbing revelation, consistent with what surfaced in the Twitter Files as well: namely, that there was a systematic, institutional policy across all tech platforms on behalf of the government (and foreign influence operation NGOs like CCDH) using Stanford’s Virality Project as a central coordinating nexus, to cover up vaccine harms and to target those who either produced or shared information on the topic as spreaders of “misinformation” or “disinformation.”

The internal emails also revealed that White House went so far as to pressure Facebook to remove humorous posts about the vaccine, including the following meme.

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Clearly, anything the White House considered would promote “vaccine hesitancy” was a potential target. In other words, the information required for citizens to make informed medical choices, and the ability to discuss it with friends and family in the modern day equivalent of the public square — social media — was being actively suppressed; an egregious violation indicating that our government’s health agencies were being actively weaponized against their citizenry.

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