JUDY BYINGTON BIG UPDATE: Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of august 1, 2023

JUDY BYINGTON BIG UPDATE: Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of august 1, 2023: The latest video will be shown earlier at the official website, Judy note, having been heavily involved since 1990 in researching the satanic ritual abuse of children, it was my personal opinion that those leads who visited Epstein Island not only took advantage of young girls in an international s*x trafficking ring run by the Vatican, but likely participated in satanic rituals which typically involved pedophilia, torture, and the human sacrifice of babies and children, the facts of which had yet to surface.

On the bright side, last week, the Military Global Alliance reported they completed the rescue of millions of children from a large matrix of tunnels around the globe, which was a great relief. Since the 1990s, I have been hearing about child torture in the tunnels from ritual abuse survivors. Though, another factor that had yet to surface were the multiple, very organized local satanic covens throughout the US and world. Satanic worshipers produced and used their own children as victims, allowing their foul deeds to stay deep beneath public awareness. Those in the administration of child protective services in certain areas appeared to be deeply involved in kidnap and pedophilia of foster children and teens.

That problem has yet to be addressed, let alone resolved. Having worked in child welfare for 10 years myself, some of those years in CPS, I know that most of the very dedicated caseworkers and supervisors were not involved or even even aware of the child sex trafficking problem. A CPS service worker endured a high caseload, and with it, the brunt of abuse from both the courts and parents when they tried to protect children. But CPS in some states like California and Ohio did have a serious problem. I can’t discuss the cases that have very recently come to my attention, but there were strong indications that teen girls have been sex trafficked by CPS Ohio for many years in a system that would have to involve the cooperation of both the state child protective services and legal system, including the courts, something else that never comes to the attention of the general public due to the corrupt mainstream media.

Other problems which did come to light last week, Friday 28th of July voter fraud data dump revealed 40 years of stolen elections. Us incorporated government has begun to collapse with pressure on current admin to resign. Biden crime family cartel collapsing. Banks across globe failing with a liquidity and credit crisis, US dollar insolvent stock market drops total of 85 to 96 % since Monday, 24th of July. Grocery stores begin to empty as supply chains completely break down. Expect food shortages. 120 nations applied to join the trading block of bricks gold asset backed currency with decision announcement on twos. 22nd of August, Trump return on Tuesday. First of August JFK Jr. Return on Thursday, third of August. Warning.

There were reports that some were asking you to hand over your foreign currencies and or ZIM bonds to them, saying they would exchange or redeem them for you. Do not give in to this scam. Only the purchaser of the currency or bond can legally exchange or redeem that currency or bond at a redemption center for the higher rates. Exceptions were that if you had given someone currency or bonds, along with a notarized gift letter saying you did so, or if you gave someone power of attorney over your affairs. The bottom line, if someone tried to turn in your currency or bonds without your authorization, they could be arrested. Listen to the full version on the official dynarport. Com website and become our supporter on patron. A Sunday 30th of July, Mr. Red, S. H. T. F. And the Movie Ends in Four Days, the return of JFK Jr. And Lady Diana.

On Thursday third of August, we are exposing Everything Live. Chtf and the movie ends in four days. The return of JFK Jr. And Lady Diana. On Thursday, August third, we are exposing Everything Live. Jfk Jr. Private on Telegram. Hello, everyone. I was American royalty. Princess Diana was British royalty. Why did we become friends? Because they wanted both of us dead. Who wanted me dead? The American government. Who wanted Princess Diana dead? The royal family. Why did the American government want it to kill me? Because I had hard proof of the pedophiles who run our world and all of the corruption that the American government did. Jeffrey Epstein, the Clinton family, Bill Gates, the Rockefeller family, and many more. I had all of the evidence needed to destroy them. Why did the royal family want Princess Diana dead?

Because she knew all of their secrets and she was planning to expose them. From the secret affairs to the pedophilia, she knew everything. B. Global currency revaluation duty note, the Quantum Financial System was expected to be running on the new secure Starlink satellite system by twos. 1 August, the same date President Trump was expected to return to his duly elected office as President of the US. Sunday 30th of July, Texas Snake, text received 1010 this morning from a banker. All indications are from high sources is that this coming week will have positive news in light that all 209 countries have approved the required protocols. So we’ll advise ASAP after I receive the news. Sunday 30th of July, Wolverine, very early today, I received intel from a very high contact.

I can’t tell you what they said other than things are progressing. Everything is ready. It won’t happen today, but we may have very good news that this week. Thursday, 27th of July Bruce, those in tier 4B, us, the internet group, expected to be notified to set redemption exchange appointments sometime Monday 31st of August, with appointments likely beginning on Tuesdays. First of August, Neazerah should be announced to the US general public on Monday 31st of July. Restitution allowances will come out the first week of August. Those 60 and older can take it as a lump sum. Those younger will be paid out over 10 years. Increases in SS up to $5,000 will supposedly start in August. The real President will be back in office by twos.

First of August, the general public tier 5 could exchange currency at the new rates at a bank beginning on Thursday, third of August. Prepare for activation of the emergency broadcast system in a version of martial law, which could shut down everything for up to a 10 day period while documentaries are shown in eight hour segments 24 7. The purpose would be to educate the public about our new court and government system systems, including our God given freedoms as outlined in the original and inspired US Constitution. We are in a critical timeframe window of the great wealth transfer until Wednesday, ninth of August. Bo Pollini, the RV will happen after a global financial crisis. Charles Murray Ward, by 22nd of August, most of the world will have decoupled from the Federal Reserve Dollar. Gold backed currency launching August 22nd, Robert Kiyosaki, Andy Shectman, major banks were collapsing.

Jp Morgan, Citibank, Bank of America, set aside $847 million to cover their next quarter of losses. Goldman Sachs, down 58 % last quarter. Wells Fargo, set aside $900 million to cover their next quarter of losses. And Chase, set aside $1.2 billion to cover losses and lost $200 billion in deposits last quarter. On Thursday, July 27, 2023, 360 banks were closed because they weren’t Basel 3 compliant, didn’t have the gold asset backed assets to back their currency. Xrp and XM, XRM cryptocurrencies were not secure. Us Incorporated bankruptcy finalized February 4, 2021. Five months before is a assassination, President John F. Kennedy issued this executive order that would give the American currency back to the people by printing money based on a silver standard, taking away the power of the Federal Reserve Banking Cartel. Many argue this is the reason that JFK was assassinated.

Us debt explodes 392 billion, 750 million dollars in 30 days as Keto Institute warns unsustainable spending hindering national security, the daily hotel. The US national debt is growing at an unrelenting pace. New numbers from the government’s fiscal data system. See a parent timeline. Two’s. First of August, President Trump set to be back. Martial law during activation of the Gold asset backed global financial system of 209 countries. Ten days of communication darkness worldwide. Thursday, third of August, JFK Jr. Set to be back. Will those in the Federal Witness Protection Program who tried to expose the truth finally come forth, such as Elvis, Diana, Michael Jackson, Marilyn Monroe, and other celebrities? Some time soon, the Supreme Court would announce their decision on the Brunson case and another 2020 voter fraud case before the court.

That decision was likely to reverse the 2020 election due to massive election fraud. Such would then dissolve the Biden administration and all of Congress and likely be accompanied by activation of the emergency broadcast system where the military would take over for a short period of time until new elections could be held. Some time soon and with the Neazer SNN announcement comes the MedBeds. August 2023, exposure, arrests of major satanic child sacrifice and pedophile groups. When Trump’s presidency ended, JFK Jr. Would come in as President, while Trump would be elevated to global financial ambassador to make the Jeze era changes around the globe, according to Bruce. Fall 2023, massive protests and riots were forecasted to shake Canada’s core, ushering in a winter of discontent in the latter part of 2023 and early 2024.

2026, US public tribunals slated for 2026 would coincide with Canadian tribunals and world tribunals that would connect everything from deep state human trafficking to world pandemic deep state operations to create a of the virus. D, global financial crisis, liquidity and credit crisis. Banks, online payment systems suffer a huge outage. Saturday 22nd of July, Europe, US banks, online payment systems suffer an outage spreading worldwide. Talks of liquidity and credit crisis happening will spread rapidly. Sunday 23rd of July, money from banks fail. Bank run posts on T, FB band. Sunday night, Euro banks suffer liquidity fail critical margin levels. Australia banks, ComBank, ANZ, Westpac, NAB. Monday 24th of July, liquidity crisis contingent spreads to US. Financial sector instruments blow up. Boa, JPM, GSAX rumor to be insolvent. Stocks drop 20 %, halted. Tether, other stablecoins fail, causes other cryptos to crash.

See also  JUDY BYINGTON BIG UPDATE: Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of august 4, 2023

Two’s. 25th of July, stocks drop drops another 20 %, halted. Eurozone total melt. Hedgef’s collapse. Bank deposits bailed. Most lose all money. Social protests erupt. Banks stuck WM stock shorts in trillions, fail critical margin levels. Dtcc forced to cover shorts. Dtcc insurance policy fails. Insurers never had dollar. Fed are stuck with bag. Wednesday, 26th of July, stock market drops another 20 %, halted. Halted. Subprime hits, housing crash by 50 % plus. Meme stock, silver, gold, commodity trading is frozen and halted, will make problem worse. Dollar insolvency is all over international news. While silver and gold skyrocket, US bonds will be dumped, sending interest rates into stratosphere. Mainstream media will now blare Great Depression 2.0 and collapses here.

Thursday, 27th of July, US government begins to collapse. President pressure on current admin to resign. Stock market drops more for total of 85 to 96 % since Monday. Grocery stores empty. As supply chains completely break down. Coup rumors against US government. Begin on social media and gain public approval. Massive protests against government, Wall Street and banks erupt. Police deployed, unsuccessful attempt to brutally suppress protests. Friday, 28th of July, voter fraud data dump reveals 40 years of stolen elections. Government figures go into hiding. Meme stock and silver commodity shorts. Dollar declared non grata in most countries. Bricks picks up steam to replace dollar. Legislation fast track to convert dollar debt to other fee it to prevent total credit freeze. E help save our constitution. It’s hanging by a thread. Video January 8, 1946, flight of the Brunson Brothers.

The Brunson Brothers have filed a number of petitions that sued members of Congress and the Biden administration for violating their oath of office by not protecting the people’s right to fair elections through certifying the 2020 election before investigating 50 formally filed allegations of voter fraud.  Even this nation will be on the verge of crumbling to pieces and tumbling to the ground. And when the constitution is on the brink of ruin, this people will be the staff upon which the nation shall lean, and they shall bear the Constitution away from the very verge of destruction. Joseph Smith, March 10, 1844, from Archives of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints. F. Bobby and Ken Kromar versus Goliath IRS. We, Bobby and Ken Kromar, have never abandoned our home and land despite being hit by a 13 man US Marshal led Swan on June 25, 2019, making us homeless for 10 months, and a quasi military 75 man SWAT on September 24, 2020, both without presentment of warrants, lawful or otherwise, and under direction of judges who denied us due process of law.

Much about our five year, six month adventure through 18 court cases, including two victories over the Commissioner of the IRS Charles Rettig exonerating us with his admission of no claim over us from 1991 through 2020 to 31 straight years. G, the real news for Sunday, July 30, 2023, the three gorgeous dam in China is overflowing and can’t take anymore. It’s one of the 34 satanic structures that has to come down. Yellow trucking could shudder within days, leaving trucking firms 30,000 thousand workers out of a job. Just in, tsunami warning issued after M 7.4 quake in Alaska. Forty six of 50 states have recounted the 2020 vote and confirmed that Biden lost. Fbi whistleblower confirmed that FBI won’t release 11,000 plus hours of January sixth film footage because it would expose under cover agents committing crimes inside the Capitol. Not only was January sixth a federal set up, but now the FBI is covering its tracks. Helicopter released mosquitoes at Baltimore from event.

Mosquitos seek out their targets and attack without notice or consent. They are the perfect delivery vehicle, the patent explains, for pharmaceutical drugs and whatever else the powers that be want to inject into their human population. Bagged at Iraq because of the collapse of electricity. Massive demonstrations expected in the coming hours. Urgent Los Angeles Detective whistleblower saying that the CIA tried to hire him to help them sell drugs to America. The puppet actor Zelenskyy of Ukraine is the son of Nazi George Soros, George Swarts, Swarts coff company. George was hanged in Gitmo in 2020 for crimes against humanity, overthrow of governments in the world and pedophilia. The untried and the dead, David Axelrod. Dark money funding reverse engineering of alien craft in US, we are one step away from disclosure. X22 Report ERP. 3126a&b.

How do you safeguard US elections post POTas think Possing Namatatis had to be done this way. The Cabal’s Gates, Open Society and Rockefeller Foundations, Putin and Russia facts you didn’t know is this why chase banned Dr. Joseph Mercola? Fruits and grains lost across the planet. Huge price increase is coming. There is no autism in the Amish community, as well as all other diseases such as AD, epilepsy, and etc. They are the healthiest. Why? Because they don’t follow government guidelines. The mystery of Obama’s drowning death deepens as Barack Obama shows up to golf with a black iron bandaged hand. Bqm nutella full of parasites, number one killer. Hidden technology, 3D printers are not an invention of the 21st century. Houses were already being printed in the 1930s. H. International child sex trafficking, organ and adrenochrome harvesting ring run out of the Vatican. Bqqm, 35,927 children rescued from giant thermonuclear tunnel blasted underground. Jfk Jr.

Oprah Winters and Free Child molesters make children feel good. All Hell is Breaking loose after Sound of Freedom’s Tim Ballard exposed one horrifying fact about Joe Biden’s border crisis. The Simpsons creator was a 33rd degree freemason, and they have to show everything in advance. To become a 33rd degree Freemason, you must marry a little boy first. It must be terrible for the little boy. They can do anything with them. They may even kill him. 33 is also six because the devil is their master. The Dutch in the Netherlands are euthanizing children and autistic kids. It was recently reported that Navy Seals, US Marines, and the World Alliance Military forces have completed the rescue of millions of children from a labyrinth of underground tunnels across the globe.

Those efforts began on Wednesday, 16 October. 2019, after a year of training on the very complicated underground tunnel rescue operations, Navy Seals and US Marines rescued an unbelievable 2,100 children being held in cages and underground tunnels at the California China Lake Military Facility. The babies, children and teens were said to have been sexually abused, tortured, and killed to collect their adrenaline and organs. Since then, millions more tortured and dead children have been found in underground tunnels across the globe. Marines, Navy Seals rescue 2,100 caged children, teens. Sunday 30th of July Fox News, Jim Caviezel handing out red pills about child sex trafficking to the Fox News normies this morning.

He even mentioning organ harvesting of children. Icovid Ebola Swine Flu P olio Smallpox BSE Zika SARS monkeypox AIDS Vax H1N1 Graphene Oxide chemtrail fluoride, processed foods, human clones hoax, brain hemorrhages, and young people are now being reported as a side effect of the COVID 19 vaccine. Prescription drugs are the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer. Drugs kill 200,000 Americans every year. Half of those die because of side effects. The other half die because of doctor errors. Drugs can have up to 30 or 40 warnings, and no doctor understands all those dangers. Dr. Peter Getson, Director of the Nordic Center and Professor of Research and Design, University of Copenhagen. Cdc detects Coronavirus, HIV, HEPA, and herpes at unlicensed California lab.

The CDC found at least 20 potentially infectious age agents at the warehouse in Fresno County. Phoenix tears, the cancer cure the government doesn’t want you to know about. A secret Chinese medical lab that ran COVID 19 experiments on mice and housed numerous dangerous pathogens is discovered in California. California, the San Joaquin Valley Sun secret biological lab uncovered and readily containing bioengineered COVID 19 mice. The lab, operating in virtual secrecy in a sleepy Fresno County farm town.
Illegal, secret Chinese bioagent lab in California, rated by FBI, CDC, infectious bacterial viral agents found malaria, rubella, HIV, chlamydia, E.

Coli, Streptococcus Pneumonia, HEPA, TITUS B, and C, HERPIs. A biological lab in Reedley that has been covertly operating for a year has been shut down by the Fresno County Department of Public Health. From October 2022 until spring 2023, this warehouse at 850 I Street in Reedley was operating a biological lab. The CDC found infectious material and myriad diseases, including malaria, rubella, HIV, chlamydia, E. Coli, Streptococcus Pneumonia, HEPA, TITUS BNC, and HERPIs 1 and V at the site which was listed as an empty building. Apart from vast array of diseases found, the lab also had 900 genetically engineered mice designed to catch and carry various COVID strains living in vial conditions with another 175 found dead. Public health staff also observed blood, tissue and other bodily fluid samples and serums, and thousands of vials of unlabeled fluids and suspected biological material.

See also  JUDY BYINGTON BIG UPDATE: Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of July 20, 2023

Superior Court of the state of California. C V 19 Vax is a crime and cover up. Ed Doubt. Greg Hunter, Personality change after COVID Shot, CHD, Unsafe for Kids at any dose. New review of science supports link between Tylenol and autism. Leaked database shows US military disease skyrocketing after COVID 19 inoculations. Data leaked from the Defense Health Agency’s Defense Medical Epidemiology database, DMED, shows skyrocketing levels of disease among military personnel. Percentage increase over the average of the last five years. Heart attacks, 269 %. Pericarditis, 175 %. Myocarditis, 285 %. Pulmonary embolisms, 467 %. Cerebral infarction, 393 %. Bell’s palsy, 319 %. Guillain bar A, 250 %. Immuno deficiencies, 275 %.

Men’s tral irregularity, 476 %. Multiple sclerosis, 487 %. Miscarriage, 306 %. Hiv, 590 %, chest pain 1,529 %, labored breathing 905 %. Lyme disease was created by the deep state American BioLabs. They weaponized a disease that causes fatigue, depression, neurological damage, cognitive problems and more. All viruses are handmade and have patents. Humanity has been poisoned by the Cabal. J. Biden crime family, the man who lead the impediment of Trump for making a phone call asking about Biden’s obvious corruption in Ukraine is now claiming that attempting to impeach Biden for documented crimes of working with Chinese spies, selling out the country for personal gain by using shell companies to transfer money controlled by family members, including his nieces nephews grandchild, and crimes against humanity and children on a laptop that we were told was Russian

disinformation says that Republicans’ desire to impeach someone, no matter if there’s any evidence, has descended us into chaos.
Hunter Biden put then VP data on phone in at least two dozen calls to overseas business associates, ex partner. In 2018, Hunter Biden paid a Russian pimp $25,000 from Joe Biden’s bank account, causing the Secret Service to frantically rush to his hotel tell. Hunter paid his father’s phone bills, house repairs, and monthly expenses and told his daughter that he paid for everything for this entire family for 30 years. But don’t worry, unlike Papa, I won’t make you give me half your salary. The entire Biden family business model was selling access to the highest levels of the US government to foreign nationals without registering under the Foreign Agent Registration Act in violation of federal law.

The Bidens funneled the money through business partners and shell companies because they obtained it illegally as unregistered foreign agents representing interests in Russia, China, and Ukraine. Evidence supporting these claims includes bank records, wire transfer statements, suspicious activity reports, witness testimony, and data from Hunter Biden’s laptop, which the FBI verified as authentic in 2019. The laptop contains the last decade of Hunter Biden’s life, including hundreds of thousands of emails, text messages, audio recordings, and photographs. Six banks, including JP Morgan, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo, submitted over 170 suspicious activity reports to the Treasury Department regarding the Biden family, alleging their involvement in money laundering, human trafficking, and tax fraud.

Any average American family would face life in prison. However, the Bidens live in the White House, where they weaponized the same Justice Department that just got caught offering Hunter Biden a sweetheart deal against their chief political rival. Fbi doc indicates Biden family corruption. Joe Biden’s ex husband drops bombshell claim about Biden’s crime family. Biden pressured FTC to give bad results on Elon Musk. Biden stumbles through meeting even while assisted by note cards. Fbi corroborated damning Biden document, collapse of the Biden cartel, call that could end Biden presidency. Biden cut a massive check to Ukraine after forcing a family to pay $60,000 to move soldiers’ remains. Biden’s soft hunter investigation.

Biden censored Facebook content. Gill Biden X says Biden crime family threatened him after the divorce. The Biden DOJ is trying to arrest Hunter Biden’s business partner, Devin Archer, immediately in a last ditch effort to derail his scheduled testimony tomorrow in front of Congress about the Biden’s foreign influence peddling operation. Sd NY, Damion Williams issued a letter Saturday telling Judge Abrams to order Devin Archer to surrender immediately. Bartiromo, do you usually see the DOJ send letters like this out on a Saturday? Commer, never. This is the first time I’ve ever heard of the DOJ doing anything on a Saturday. The lengths to which the Biden legal team has gone to try and intimidate our witnesses in coordination with the DOJ.

This is obstruction of justice. K, COVID Scam Pandemic, DAO DE, Hunter USA Watchdog. For the US workforce, 30 % are dead, disabled, or working chronically ill. Cancer rates increased 2 % in 2020, up 6.4 % in 2021 and up 35 % in 2022. Economic disasters coming because of higher interest rates, supply chain breakdown, sure to grow worse hospital system a disaster due to extremely short staff, sick, dead, quit, ivermectin information and availability still being suppressed. Symptoms of injuries now being labeled as brain fog, as in zombie accident rates up 25 %, which are called back accidents, cliff high, projecting a disability spike in mid 2024 as a critical mass of people finally awakened in a crucial phase the COVID scam pandemic will be talked about for centuries. L, the new American, Black Rock equals deep state Goliath. Black Rock is a critical tool of the Deep State in bringing big business into the new world order,

explains the New American senior editor Alex Newman in this episode of Behind the Deep State. Any average American family would face life in prison. However, the Bidens live in the White House, where they weaponized the same Justice Department that just got caught offering Hunter Biden a sweetheart deal against their chief political rival. Fbi doc indicates Biden family corruption. Joe Biden’s ex husband drops bombshell claim about Biden’s crime family. Biden pressured FTC to give bad results on Elon Musk. Biden stumbles through meeting even while assisted by note cards. Fbi corroborated damning Biden document, collapse of the Biden cartel, call that could end Biden presidency. Biden cut a massive check to Ukraine after forcing a family to pay $60,000 to move soldiers’ remains.

Biden’s soft hunter investigation. Biden censored Facebook content. Gill Biden X says Biden crime family threatened him after the divorce. The Biden DOJ is trying to arrest Hunter Biden’s business partner, Devin Archer, immediately in a last ditch effort to derail his scheduled testimony tomorrow in front of Congress about the Biden’s foreign influence peddling operation. Sd NY, Damion Williams issued a letter Saturday telling Judge Abrams to order Devin Archer to surrender immediately. Bartiromo, do you usually see the DOJ send letters like this out on a Saturday? Commer, never. This is the first time I’ve ever heard of the DOJ doing anything on a Saturday. The lengths to which the Biden legal team has gone to try and intimidate our witnesses in coordination with the DOJ. This is obstruction of justice. K, COVID Scam Pandemic, DAO DE, Hunter USA Watchdog.

For the US workforce, 30 % are dead, disabled, or working chronically ill. Cancer rates increased 2 % in 2020, up 6.4 % in 2021 and up 35 % in 2022. Economic disasters coming because of higher interest rates, supply chain breakdown, sure to grow worse hospital system a disaster due to extremely short staff, sick, dead, quit, ivermectin information and availability still being suppressed. Symptoms of injuries now being labeled as brain fog, as in zombie accident rates up 25 %, which are called back accidents, cliff high, projecting a disability spike in mid 2024 as a critical mass of people finally awakened in a crucial phase the COVID scam pandemic will be talked about for centuries. L, the new American, Black Rock equals deep state Goliath. Black Rock is a critical tool of the Deep State in bringing big business into the new world order, explains the New American senior editor Alex Newman in this episode of Behind the Deep State.

Blackrock, with about $10 trillion under management, is one of the top stakeholders in virtually every company you can think of, including most of the mega banks. It is using this influence and your money to weaponize business against our nation, our liberty, our families, and everything that is good. This is part one in a series about Black Rock. From state and local governments removing their money to investors deciding to pull their assets, people across the country can help defeat this monster. The first step is exposure, and that is already happening. You can help. The next step is action. M, a Military Tribunal listed those believed named in over 71,000 federal indictments. The Deep State International Network of VIPs that are involved in child trafficking, human rights abuses, corruption,

and satanic rituals are being investigated, detained, and extracted via sealed indictments enforced by US special forces. The implications of these unfolding events for disclosure of classified technologies related to secret space programs, antarctic bases hidden under the ice sheets and extraterrestrial life all previously suppressed by the deep state, are profound. Their removal from powerful global leadership positions will help greatly in ending their decades long policies of denying the rest of humanity the benefits of advanced technologies that will revolutionize life all over the planet. Some global and political elites named in the indictments would be tried in federal courts. Some faced military tribunals, while others would go before international courts.

A partial list of those believed named in over 71,000 federal indictments. Andrew McCabe arrested and serving life. Barack Obama arrested and executed. Michelle Obama, Big Mike, arrested and executed. Bill Gates, deceased. John Kerry, arrested and serving life. George Soros, arrested and and executed. Maxine Waters, arrested. Former CIA director John Brennan, former FBI director James Comey, Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. N, RV, the new Earth, a revolution in currency, Ben Foul offered complete paradigm shift. In this new era, we’re not just talking about a change in the numerical values we see in our bank accounts or a handful of new regulations. No, this is a complete paradigm shift. It’s a new way of conceptualizing value, transaction, and wealth. The Global Economic Security and Reformation Act, GISARA, the Quantum Financial System, QFS, the Global currency Reset Revaluation,

See also  JUDY BYINGTON BIG UPDATE: Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of July 30, 2023

GCR RV, International Organization for Standardization 2022, ISO 2022, the Basel III International Regulation, P rotocol QFS 20, and DENAR, these aren’t just acronyms or technical jargon. They are symbols of the winds of change, indicators of the significant transformation we are collectively experiencing. The impact of these initiatives is not localized. They’re reshaping the entire financial landscape, changing the way we conduct business, trade, invest, and even perceive value. And more than ever, they’re linking us together, fostering a sense of unity consciousness that transcends borders and cultures. Jezeera unleashing global prosperity, AMG News. Let’s start with the Global Economic Security and reform reformation Act, or Jezeera.

This revolutionary reform movement aims to rectify economic disparities, restore financial stability, and promote global peace and prosperity. It’s not merely about changing the rules of the game. It’s about changing the game itself. From forgiving debt to abolishing income tax and creating flat rate nonessential taxes, Jezeera promises a world where financial stress and economic inequality become relics of a bygone era, a world where everyone shares in the global prosperity. Hash 4. Qfs, the dawn of financial transparency. Now, let’s turn our attention to the Quantum Financial System, QFS. This cutting edge technological marvel offers an incorrectible, transparent, and secure financial network. It uses quantum computing technology to make financial transactions faster, safer, and more efficient. This isn’t just an upgrade to our existing financial infrastructure, it’s a complete reinvention. #5. Gcr RV, a reset towards equality.

Then we have the global currency reset revaluation, GCR RV. This significant reset of the world’s currency system is not just a number game, but an effort to level the financial playing field hash number 6. Iso 2022 and Basel III setting new standards. Moreover, standards like ISO 2022, an international standard for electronic data interchange between financial institutions and Basel 3. A global voluntary regulatory framework addressing bank capital, advocacy, stress testing, and market liquidity risk are creating a safer, more transparent financial world. Harsh number 7. The promise of protocol QFS 20 and Dynar. And finally, we have the newest protocols like QFS 20 and the revaluation of the Iraq Dynar, which represent the drive for a more unified global financial system.

#8. From dark to light, a journey of love and unity at the heart of this profound shift from the old financial system to the new lies a fundamental principle, love. Love for each other, for our shared Earth, and for the limitless potential that lies within us. This is this shift isn’t merely about money or wealth, it’s about unity, prosperity, and love. Oh, get ready for Military Jezebel and Nizar emergency broadcasting system. The Deep State or Kabbalah is alleged to be a covert group of individuals wielding the world’s financial reins for their selfish interests. The puppeteers behind this puppet show are the proprietators of the private bank of the Central Bank of the United States, a financial institution founded on December 23rd, 1913.

The USA Central Bank bank reportedly controls a whopping 98 % of the central banks worldwide, effectively ruling the global economy. The deep state’s influence isn’t confined to the financial realm alone. They allegedly own prominent media channels like Fox, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, BBC, and reputable newspapers like the New York Times, Washington Post. Their modus operandi involves disturbing the population’s attention with superficial television programs, reality shows, and cartoons. Further, they use TV series, movies, and murder news to shatter our faith in our future, to eradicate human unity or brotherhood. P. Military Tribunals. Why they are absolutely necessary? Because the Barbarians are inside the gate. Any person who levies war against the United States or adheres to its enemies by giving them aid and comfort has committed treason within the meaning of the Constitution.

The term aid and comfort refers to any act that manifests a betrayal of allegiance to the United States, such as furnishing enemies with arms, troops, transportation, shelter, or classified information. If a subversive act has any tendency to weaken the power of the United States to attack or resist its enemies, aid and comfort has been given. Article 3, Section 3 of the Constitution. Military Tribunals are especially required to prosecute the deep state criminals, rogue intel, and SS agents, and shadow government perps who are conducting a soft coup against the POTUS. But why military tribunals? Because those traders practically own and operate the US criminal justice system. That’s why. The political reality throughout the USA is that the legal profession is overwhelmingly populated by card carrying Democrats, liberal lawyers, progressive corporate attorneys, radical activist judges, and left wing DAs.

All those fancy law degrees from Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, Columbia, Georgetown, Cornell, etc. Are conferred upon mostly left leaning JDs. The American Bar Association is literally a branch of the Democratic Party, and it is specifically these bar registered attorneys who have always posed the greatest threat to the United States since its founding. Not only are bar certified lawyers a nakedly self serving lot, a disproportionate majority will remain staunch Democrats their entire life. Many will never leave their major metro area or a deep blue state even a single time, except to fly to another metropolitan airport, for example, NYC to LAX. Barack Hussein Obama is a perfect example of one of these British agents who was financed by the Rothschild investment bankster, George Soros, specifically to undermine the American Republic.

Q. David Wilcox on the court system. The good guys are exposing the courts. The US criminal justice system is dominated by Democratic operatives at every level within most of the major urban jurisdictions. The best and worst legal counselors among them know exactly how to manipulate the judicial machinery to advance the liberal agenda. And they do so with a vengeance. Ever since Trump has been potus, the nation has witnessed the many ways that the courts have been used to shut down his various initiatives. The Democrat aligned attorneys routinely collude with the activist Judiciary to terminate any presidential order or directive that can be overturned. Because of this ever wors predicament, Trump has had his hands tied to a great degree.

The resulting governmental paralysis has left the President with no choice but to apprehend the coup plotters who are guilty of outright sedition. Most of these agents of deep state are committing acts of treason simply because of their political ideology. Other are coerced via bribery and blackmail by their shadow government masters. For example, extortion via Podoget crimes. R, the Constitution, Ben Fulford, the Articles of Confederation drafted in June 12, 1776, was the original US Constitution.
The Declaration of Independence was drafted in June 1776 and ratified July 4, 1776. The Articles of Confederation accompanied it, but British infiltrators in the Second Continental Congress were displeased with its contents and delayed its ratification and the Revolution War stepped up in earnest.

In 1783, the Treaty of Paris officially ended the war. The Treaty of Paris signed by representatives of King George III of Great Britain and representatives of the USA on Cep 3, 1783. Article 5 of that treaty gave all British estates rights and properties back to the Crown, Vatican. The United States Constitution, 1787, was formally ratified and was vastly different from the 1776 Articles of Confederation. The new constitution provided for a much stronger federal government with a chief executive, the president, courts, and taxing powers. Why did they despise the Articles of Confederation and replace it with the 1787 Constitution? The Articles of Confederation were difficult to amend. They couldn’t hijack it for their own nefarious goals.

There was no chief executive, president, couldn’t put in there a puppet candidate. There was no national court system, couldn’t enforce their unjust laws. Congress could not collect taxes from the states, couldn’t diminish people’s wealth. Congress could not draft soldiers, could not wage endless wars. Under the Articles of Confederation, it was difficult to pass laws. The Federal Reserve Act, each state retained all powers not expressly delegated to Congress. Congress’s weak people are strong. Government under the Articles of Confederation had few powers. It did not allow for a strong central government who would oppressed and decrease the power of the people. They could not force the states to obey its laws and decree for taxation ignored as they could not be enforced.

Do you see a common theme? The Crown Vatican agents despise the Articles of Confederation, Original Constitution, because they could not infilt and destroy the US from within. Limited government control and power rested with states people. The Patriots were well aware of their malicious intentions and only agreed to the Constitution with the addition of the Bill of Rights to offer the people some protection against their own government. Clearly, the Constitution was comprised from the outset by Crown Vatican agents. Interesting there was no President. A President occupies the space inside a Corporation. Trump, the last President, 2016. The only question is, will the US and other nations return to a constitution once this is all over?

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