Walls Close In On Biden As Jean-Pierre Changes Story, Now Says Joe Was ‘Never In Business” With Hunter

Walls close on in President Joe Biden as White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre changed the official story about Joe and Hunter. She now says Joe “was never in business with his son.” Megyn Kelly broke down the changing story: “Aug 2019: Biden: “I have never discussed, w/my son or my brother … anything having to do w/their businesses.”

“Sep 2019: Biden: I have “never spoken” to Hunter about his “overseas business dealings. 2022: WH press sec Psaki is asked: Does the President stand by that claim? “Yes.”

“6/2023: Biden is asked, “Did you lie about never speaking to Hunter about his business dealings?” A: “No”

Peter Baker, Chief White House Correspondent for The New York Times, noted the change in Jean-Pierre’s story of the Biden family corruption.

He said: “White House @PressSec says Biden “was never in business with his son” but does not actually say whether he was put on speakerphone when Hunter was conducting business and introduced to partners.”

Eric Schmitt, United States Senator for Missouri, said: “Very precise statement. Almost like it’s from his lawyers.”

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Jim Jordan said: “Hunter Biden put then-VP Joe Biden on the phone with business associates at least 2 dozen times.

“Why hasn’t the President been honest with us about his knowledge of Hunter’s deals?”

“We are looking forward very much to hearing from Devon Archer about all the times he has witnessed Joe Biden meeting with Hunter Biden’s overseas business partners when he was vice president, including on speakerphone,” Rep. Comer said.

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