Jim Caviezel Says Trump Will Help Dismantle World’s Biggest Pedophile Ring

Jim Caviezel has revealed that President Trump has vowed to help take down the world’s biggest pedophile ring, after Trump screened Caviezel’s new movie Sound of Freedom on Wednesday. Speaking to Fox News host Brian Kilmeade, Caviezel said it’s vital Trump be brought back into office in 2024 so he can help destroy the elite pedophile ring.

“And we could be doing more, right, Jim?” Kilmeade asked Thursday.

“Oh, yeah. We have to do a lot more. And we got to start with Donald Trump,” Caviezel responded. “Well, he’s got to be in there because he’s going to go after the traffickers.”

“Do you think he understands that?” Kilmeade asked, to which Caviezel replied, “Uh, we were with him last night.”

“Oh wow, I didn’t know that,” Kilmeade responded, completely ignorant of Trump’s screening. reports: Caviezel went on to harken back to his role in Mel Gibson’s Passion of the Christ as Jesus Christ, commenting in the regard he’s freeing people from human traffickers, Trump could be considered the “new Moses.”

“This is the new Moses,” Caviezel told Kilmeade, adding, “I mean, I’m still Jesus, but he’s the new Moses. Pharaoh, let my children go free,” he said halfway facetiously, prompting laughter among Kilmeade and filmmaker Eduardo Verástegui.

The crowdfunded, Christian-based Sound of Freedom movie defied expectations at the box office by hitting the $100 million mark this week, a stunning two weeks after its initial release, and surpassing big studio releases like Mission: Impossible and an Indiana Jones sequel.

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The film depicts the true story of Tim Ballard, federal agent who put his life on the line to rescue children from human traffickers.

Trump recognized Caviezel, Verastegui and Ballard at his screening Wednesday night.

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