Laura Ingraham Argues Trump Should ‘Stop Talking About 2020,’ Focus on the Future

Recently, Fox News presenter Laura Ingraham appeared to criticize former President Donald Trump for his ongoing commentary on the disputed 2020 election. In Ingraham’s view, it’s time for Trump to shift his attention, concentrate on a comprehensive 50-state strategy, and cease his complaints about the past.

During a recent episode of The Ingraham Angle, Ingraham, in a straightforward address, urged Trump to redirect his focus to the future and suggested that he should stop talking about the 2020 election if he intends to be successful in the 2024 presidential race.

Ingraham strongly asserted that revisiting the past wouldn’t draw new supporters to his campaign and could potentially shrink his current following.

She also contended that any disparaging comments about popular Republican governors or senators in key states are not just ill-advised but also self-defeating.

Here is the transcript via Fox News:

“I’m going to offer my free advice to both Trump and DeSantis — both will probably be unhappy, but there you have it. As someone who’s covered seven previous presidential campaigns and worked for President Reagan, I think it’s time that both of you candidates remember a few things. First, to Gov. DeSantis. The voters in Ohio and Arizona, Pennsylvania — they don’t know you very well, but they don’t want to hear a litany of Florida accomplishments at this point, as great as they are.”

“They want to know that you’re going to be able to defeat Biden on the issue that is number one: the economy. So, talk about the economy. What are your specific solutions to protect American jobs and bring down the price of energy? Smile, also. Have fun out there. Don’t be afraid to show your personality and ask the people what’s on their minds. I promise you it will not be Disney or Bud Light, and as for President Trump, keep your eye on the prize: 270 electoral votes. Everything you say, everything you do, should be geared to winning in the states you need to win.”

“This should be a 50-state campaign for America. Attacking popular Republican governors or senators and battleground states is more than unwise. It’s self-destructive. Why do it? Voters in a general election want to vote for a winner, not a whiner. So please, for the love of God, stop talking about 2020. That will not bring a single voter out to support you who didn’t support you before. You need to grow the pot, not shrink it. Be magnanimous and be the elder statesman that Biden is not obviously capable of. That will reassure people, and look, your policies worked before, they’re going to work again. The Democrats are banking on these trials and they’re banking on a distracted electorate to pull Biden over the finish line. Hey guys, let’s not let them get away with that.”

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Ingraham’s remarks represent a split among the conservative base: While some would prefer that the Republican Party pivot towards addressing the future, the Trump-supporting base argue that the only way to do that is by fixing the problems with the 2020 election.

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