NYT Admits ‘Official Covid Deaths’ Were Overcounted by 30%

After years of smearing such claims as “conspiracy theories,” the left-wing New York Times has admitted that the “official” data on deaths caused by Covid was overcounted by at least 30 percent. Citing data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the NY Times states that a third of “Covid deaths” were actually caused by “something else.”

The newspaper admits that large numbers of people who died while testing positive for the virus had Covid listed as the cause of the death even though it didn’t kill them.

Many of the deaths, however, were found to be listed as caused by Covid even if the person hadn’t been tested for the virus.

The NYT remarks that the massively overcooked data is “probably an exaggeration.”

The admission from the corporate media outlet adds confirmation to previous reporting from Slay News.

Earlier this month, we reported on data showing that the CDC has been faking death certificates to conceal references to Covid shots causing fatalities.

An examination of all the death certificates produced in Minnesota for the past eight years found that the CDC has been manipulating the records to suppress information about side effects from the vaccines.

The Brownstone Institute argues that the CDC “committed data fraud” by directly altering the records to hide the risks of severe health issues and death from the public and promote the “safe and effective” narrative.

CDC officials have been “concealing references to a Covid vaccine on Minnesota death certificates” to ensure that the fatalities were recorded as something other than the Big Pharma jabs, the report reveals.

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“In almost every death certificate that identifies a Covid vaccine as a cause of death, the CDC committed data fraud by not assigning the ICD 10 code for vaccine side effects to the causes of death listed on the death certificate,” the report explains.

The report details how the CDC’s widespread suppression of information has kept the damage from Covid shots hidden from the American people.

In many cases, the data was manipulated so that people who had been killed by the vaccine were logged as having died from Covid, and not the shot.

As the evidence is now becoming too apparent to conceal, the corporate media is finally starting to catch up.

“The official number [of Covid-19 deaths] is probably an exaggeration because it includes some people who had [the] virus when they died even though it was not the underlying cause of death,” the Times article reads.

The NYT continues by explaining that both CDC data and a study in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases support the claim that “almost one-third of official recent Covid deaths have fallen into this category.”

Titled “A positive Covid milestone,” the article claims all-cause mortality in the US has returned to its pre-pandemic baseline.

All-cause mortality hovered around 30% higher than normal during the worst of the pandemic, according to the outlet.

However, that figure losses its bite when accompanied by an admission that Covid deaths were overcounted by about 30% to begin with.

The admission contradicts years of insistence from the Times, other prominent corporate media outlets, “fact-checkers,” Democrats, and Dr. Anthony Fauci that any questioning of the official death toll was mere “conspiracy theory.”

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The official narrative has insisted that such questions are spawned by baseless rumors from “anti-vaxxers” on social media and are nothing more than so-called “disinformation.”

In 2020, the Times pounced on then-President Donald Trump when he suggested that the number of pandemic deaths was “lower than” the official figure.

The NYT claimed that “most statisticians and public health experts say he is wrong” and argued the number was, in fact, “far higher” than recorded.

Of course, the “official” position was that Trump was wrong, the NYT was right, and anyone who stated otherwise should be shut down and smeared.

Fauci in particular found unconscionable the suggestion that the death toll was being artificially padded.

In 2020, Fauci told NBC that “there is absolutely no evidence that that’s the case at all.”

Meanwhile, motorcycle crash victims, gunshot victims, and other unrelated deaths were found to have been added to the total.

The CDC even suggested at the time that the figure represented an undercount of the true number.

However, the CDC made this claim despite having encouraged doctors to list Covid as the cause of death, even in some cases where the patient had not been tested for the virus.

In 2021, Italy recalculated its own Covid mortality figures.

The recount revealed that just 2.9% of pandemic deaths could be exclusively attributed to the virus.

The remainder had at least one chronic disease, often several.

However, so-called “fact-checkers,” who are usually failed journalists who can’t get work reporting for real news outlets and are dangerously unqualified as experts, quickly pounced on the data from Italy.

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After the data was released, “fact-checkers” were quick to shut down claims that these comorbidities, not the virus, were responsible for the patients’ demise.

Washington Post columnist and vociferous lockdown advocate Leana Wen admitted in January that the “medical community” was “overcounting Covid deaths and hospitalizations.”

Wen cited two infectious disease experts who told her the figures for hospitalized Covid patients were overstated by as much as 90%.

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