
Restored Republic Via A GCR Update As Of June 29, 2023

Judy note, as I learn more and more each day, I am coming to the conclusion that what is taking place is not an impediment. It is a coup intended to take away the power of the people, their vote, their freedoms, their Second Amendment, religion, military, border wall, and their God given rights as a citizen of the United States of America. President Donald J. Trump. Putin set trap on Wagner Group, which received 6.2 billion from CIA NATO to do Deep State Now failed coup. Putin set a trap. Deep State’s CIA funded the Wagner Group coup.

The Supreme Court again turned down the Brunson petition request for a hearing on whether or not Congress broke their oath of office by not investigating allegations of voter fraud in the 2020 election. Though it was rumored that the Supreme Court had made a positive ruling on another related case of 2020 voter fraud presented by Sidney Powell. That ruling was said to be announced on Independence Day, July fourth. Joe Biden was said to be lawyering up after his son Hunter Biden’s computer evidence implicated him in several foreign country bribery scams.

Visit the website, denarport. Com right away to learn more about finance, currency, and economic information. A global currency reevaluation, Monday 26th of June marks. There is a lot of anticipation for any moment now since the budget is done. I am being told they need a day or two at least to make certain rates have completely stabilized after the budget news. Rumors are that on Wednesday 28th of June, we are going to see something like a valiate change for the Dinar. Frank 26 said the new Dinar rate comes out July third. Some sources are looking at the third, but either way, it definitely appears to be close. On Monday 26th of June, the Iraq Parliament published their budget, making the Dinar International and trading up in value on the forex. The Iraq Al Waukesa newspaper affiliated with the Ministry of Justice published Law No.

13, for the year 2023, the Federal General Budget of the Republic of Iraq for the fiscal years 2023 to 2024 minus 2025. Baby’s mom, the Central Bank of Iraq has not yet changed their Dinar rate. They will change it in country, then the rate would change on the forex. Then tier 4 B could exchange because the banks go with the 4 X rate as their opening guide. Judy note, tier 4 B can exchange at an exchange center, not a bank, so as to receive the higher rates. Banks exchange currency at the rate as shown on the 4 X at the time of the exchange. Money supply growth falls to depression error levels for second month in April. Sunday 25th of June X22 report economic illusion is breaking apart.

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B Restored Republic, on Monday fourth of July, a Supreme Court ruling on 2020 election fraud may be forthcoming according to rumor. Some months ago, Dan Scavino said a Brunson petition had already been ruled on by Scottish. Announcement of that five to four ruling in favor of the Brunson petition would dissolve the Biden administration and all of Congress and open the door for martial law until a new election could be held. Last weekend, a Japanese general told Benjamin Phil Ford. Net that the Rockefeller controlled Biden horror show would be over by July 10, 2023, with Trump reinstated as President and JFK Jr. As Vice President. Last November 2020, the military counted official watermarked voting ballots that verified Trump won every state in an over 80 % vote.
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Two’s. December 1, 2020, Obama, Biden, CIA Director Gina Haspel, evidently arrested for espionage, voter fraud. Either Saturday, 10th of July or Sunday, 23rd of July would be the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump and his VP, JFK Jr. In a celebration where those in the World Protection Program would come out. Inflation, war. Our country is in trouble. Biden is failing badly. Democrats ignore problems and we’re now spending millions of taxpayer dollars on another partisan witch hunt. It’s a disgrace. Tell your congressman, stop the partisan games and tackle the real problems. See timeline. The last week in June 2023, Social Security increases were scheduled to begin, plus restitution allowances and MedBed appointments would likely start.

Friday 23rd of June, Wolverine, we inform all the people involved in the redemption that we are entering radio silence from 6 PM Friday 23rd of June until 6 PM 2S. 27th of June, there will be no communication of any kind regarding payment among the participants or comments on this matter with anyone. It was rumored that the US Federal Reserve and US Treasury were on notice that if they could not pay the global repository back the quadrillion zode, they would be handing overall assets, including property and business assets on June 30, 2023. On Saturday, first of July, our international financial markets will transform into a new digital asset based economy.

The new Quantum Financial System would be completely interfaced in computers around the world in order to coordinate currency transactions through the International Payment System ISO 20 2022. On Monday, fourth of July, a Supreme Court ruling on 2020 election fraud may be forthcoming according to rumor. The ruling could dissolve the Biden administration and all of Congress, which would make way for martial law until a new election could be held. Last weekend, a Japanese general told Benjamin Phil Ford. Net that the Rockefeller controlled Biden horror show will be over by July 10, 2023, with Trump reinstated as President and JFK Jr. As Vice President. Last November 2020, the military counted official watermarked voting ballots that verified Trump won every state in an over 80 % vote.

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On July the 15th, we will have guidelines to monitor and secure this new economy. From that point on, we will be under gold standard protocols. Either Saturday 10th of July or Sunday 23rd of July would be the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump and his VP, JFK Jr. In a celebration where those in the World Protection Program would come out. Two’s. 25th of July was Queen Diana’s coronation date. Jim Rickards said Bricks was releasing their new commodity backed international currency by mid August, which would be the death of the Petro dollar. The Supreme Court ruling on 2020 election fraud, Monday 26th of June, Ultra Mag Dean Erickson has the news broken in Japan and we don’t know it yet. Translation, The Supreme Court Brunson’s trial is over. 385 Democrats in Congress, Democratic side of Judiciary and other tops convicted and found guilty? Will they announce it Saturday, first of July or Monday, fourth of July? East Sunday, 25th of June, Brunson Petitions update. Lloyd Brunson with Charlie Ward.

On Thursday, 22nd of June, the Supreme Court began deliberations on whether or not to hear the original Lloyd Brunson petition. Supreme Court docket 22 to 1,028, which sued members of Congress and the Biden administration for violating their oath of office. On Monday 26th of June, the Brunson Brothers announced the Lloyd Brunson petition had been refused a hearing, again. The Supreme Court first refused to hear the case when Congress gave themselves immunity from prosecution. But a Utah district judge over ruled and the case was sent back to the Supreme Court on Rule 11, certifying an election without investigating charges of election fraud created a security breach.

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Brunson is fighting the refusal to grant a hearing by petitioning the court. On March 21, 2021, the petition had been served to 385 members of Congress, plus Biden, Harris, and Pence, alleging that they broke their oath of office by not investigating 50 allegations of voter fraud in the 2020 election. 75,000 plus letters have been sent to the Supreme Court in support of hearing the case. You can add your letter of support by going into Lloyd Brunson. Com. Another complication, none in the Biden administration and Congress have signed their oath of office and thus have been serving without the authority to do so. The Rollin J. Brunson case before federal court judge Jared C. Bennett was still active and asked why Supreme Court Justice’s Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Ketanji Brown Jackson supported enemies of the Constitution by voting against hearing the Brunson case.

So far, the federal court judge, Trump appointed judge, has received over 9,320 letters in support. He will decide any day now if this case will move forward or if Rollin will be appealing it to the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals. The Real News for Monday, June 26, 2023. Military foils another plot to assassinate President Trump. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer hanged at Gitmo. Monday, 26 June, Green Light confirmed Worldwide Q Elon. Time to complete the circle. Q, Worldwide Confirmed. Green light. It’s a wrap. Durham Report criticizes that FBI handled Clinton, Trump with political prejudice, and things haven’t changed. John Durham says major event will take time to finish. After only four weeks on a junk food diet, neural connections in your brain have been altered, leading to a decline in cognitive abilities, aka dumbing you down. The Dutch elections have been manipulated again. The party of BVB.

Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of June 19, 2023: Judy note, on Friday 16th of June, internal US government department heads were notified that there was a cyber attack war going on the targeted US government facilities and the infrastructure of 250 cities across the globe. These cyber…

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